If you are in despair need of a handbag distinguished from others, I would like to recommend you the Gucci Bamboo bag which was characterized by Chinese culture.
Chinese traditional culture in the bamboo, chrysanthemum, orchid, and plum flower known as the "four gentlemen" . Bamboo could give elegant impression with its graceful, elegant and charming appearance and sentimental virtue with the diligency and never wither all the year around. The means it entrusts implied its later popularity among ladies and all facts demonstrated that the Bamboo bag of Gucci reached the top of Gucci’s sales ranking list.
Now let’s have a brief look at the Bamboo bags.
Brief Introduction about Bamboo Bags
At the end of 2010, Gucci released a new fashioned handbag, which is Gucci most classic style. Early in the 1950s and 1960s, Gucci bamboo handbags have become numerous international celebrity beloved. New bamboo bag is sewn by hand by connecting 140 different pieces of components and it may takes 13 hours to complete the whole manufacturing process. This time it promoted classic and large size style. What’s more, it was the first time Gucci took nickel alloy and bamboo joint tassel adornment to decorate this handbag. These delicate designs make the handbag look more modern and sexy. The handle material it chooses is new bamboo which has a variety of fabrics, and the fabrics is full of high-tech with classic GG logo stamped on it.
New Bamboo Bags Show
This design includes five colors, perspectively white, black, purple, light green, red and yellow. Its chief creative officer is Frida Giannini. The bamboo handle makes it look much stronger and more senble. There's also a bamboo decoration at the face of the bag, which can make the bag feel more relief. The curve extrudes its shape while the hessian with bamboo strengthens its livelyness and brightness. The overall effect of luxurious elegance steems out of it.If you like, choose one suitable for you if you can afford.
Bamboo bag modelling is simple neat, restoring ancient ways but does not break again avant-garde style. The outership feels quite steady. The little shiny decorations of metal spot
enbeded on bamboo sticks gives fresh feeling upbeat.
Simple Evaluation
The whole effect is stengthened by the bamboo handle and little decorations which makes the style of bag much more shiny, bright, and luxurios.
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