Many celebrities have a soft spot for Gucci bamboo series bags. Now, other new designed bamboo bags join to this big family, continue the classic style adding some new technology. In general, the original Gucci bamboo handbags are small bags with rigorous lines and fine crafts, which are made of pig skin leather with the curved bamboo handle. Now, this year’s new design and fashion style are immediately received by most of people.
Bamboo may seem like a summertime accent, but I actually think this Gucci bamboo Joint series bags could work quite well for fall. One of the main material bamboo of Gucci Handbag are mainly originated from nature, almost all the bamboos are imported from China or Vietnam. The natural materials combined with the exquisite handicraft achieved its cracking resistant ability. Meanwhile, the warm honey brown pebbled leather is rich enough for colder temps. In addition, the details from the hand-stitching to the ornate bamboo handle to the hanging tassel are just immaculate.
Gucci have announced that “Bamboo Forever” – an itinerant display dedicated to the iconic Gucci Bamboo Bag and its singular heritage. Bridging past and present, this traveling display perfectly captures the duality of Gucci’s rich traditions as well as its modern day allure.
In 1950~60′s, Gucci bamboo handbags have become the favorite of many international celebrities, so that it ranks one of the most popular and beloved brands among thousands of handbags. Gucci’s creative director Frida Giannini released The New Bamboo, which brings a brand new look to the most classic Gucci handbag styles in the 21st century. Giannini combined the high technology into the tradition and the history of high fashion, continuing its classical style.
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